AQUADERE® STICK is a ready-to-use cold-applied bitumen emulsion primer (solvent free).
AQUADERE® STICK is specially used for self-adhesive waterproofing membranes.
- solvent free (COV),
- tools can be clean with water,
- no carrying issue,
- not flammable,
- easy to apply,
- perfect adherence to the support,
- easy management of waste.
AQUADERE® STICK is used as a cold-applied primer, to increase adherence for self-adhesive bitumen-based waterproofing membranes. All the applications are described in the French Standards DTU. Technical Guidelines or Technical Approvals. For further details refer to specific technical information.
- Product must be well mixed to obtain a proper homogenization of components.
- Ensure that the tools are clean and free of any substances that may hinder the emulsion process.
- Surface must be clean without rust. Use flam if required or mechanical methods.
- Product must be applied with a brush or roller or sprayed onto dry, clean surfaces, free of non-adhesive materials.
- Metal surfaces must be degreased beforehand.
- Substrate must have a temperature > 5°C for application.
- AQUADERE® STICK cannot be applied in the rain. Do not wet the surface until product is not completely dry.
- Product must be dry before applying waterproofing membranes.
- Tool cleaning:
- If product is dry: cleaning solvents (i.e. White Spirit, Xylene)
- Cans: 1L, 5L or 25 L.
- Consumption depends on nature of use and the nature of the substrate.
- On rough and absorbent substrate:
- 250 to 300 g/m wood/expanded polystyrene.
On smooth, non-absorbent substrate like steel, the average consumption will be about 150 to 200 g/m².
- Storage: the product can be store until 12 months, ensure that it is kept above 0°C and away from sun rays. This product, however, contains frost-preventing properties, allowing it to be stored for a few days at 0°C.
- Storage temperature: between 5°C and 35°C.
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