SOPRA XPS Protect Artic C

XPS PROTECT ARTIC is an extruded polystyrene foam (XPS) thermal insulation panel for buildings, with a cement-based facing.


XPS PROTECT ARTIC destined to thermal insulation:

  • Roof parapets for insulated upstands (inverted roof concept),
  • Grounds and underground basement walls.


Common disposals:
Cement-based facing of XPS PROTECT Artic panels is cut with a diamant cutting disc. After installation of the panel, filled joints of the superior cement-based facing with a polyurethane sealant for facades (for example SNJF F 25E classification).
A paint for exterior facade, more likely clear, can be used on the cement-based facing and dry polyurethane sealant.


  • Length x width: 1250mm x 600mm (finished product).
Length and width of cement topping are minor by 2.5mm on each side than the panel measures.
  • Thickness (mm): 10+50, 10+60, 10+80, 10+100, 10+120.
  • Packaging: panels are packed on a wrapped pallet.
  • Storage: on flat support, away from weather.

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