L’Oréal headquarters - Italy

Superb quality and aesthetic appeal - these principles of L’Oréal, the international cosmetics company, also had to be met when it came to refurbishing the roof of the Italian headquarters in Milan.
That is why the company relied entirely on SOPREMA for the roof waterproofing system. With SOPREMA as system supplier, different waterproofing technologies were employed to cover a total area of 3200 m².
The roof was refurbished with a high-grade, multi-layered bitumen waterproofing system that was installed as a completely new build-up, including slope insulation. On one section of the roof an FPO waterproofing membrane was applied as an additional measure. The parapet surrounding the entire roof presents an upstand length of 1950m.
This was waterproofed efficiently and reliably with Alsan® RS liquid resin. The underflow-proof Duoflex® Composite System in conjunction with Alsan® RS was used to wateproof the ramps.
Construction details:
- Year of refurbishment: 2010
- Area: 3200 m²
- Build-up: Substrate: Reinforced concrete
- Pre-coat: Elastocol® 500
- Vapour barrier: Sopravap Activa 1
- Insulation material: Soprema EPS 031 DAA dh 150kPA
- Intermediate layer: Sopralene® Stick 30
- Top layer: Klewaplan AS 5 Slate
- Waterproofing membrane/roof section: Flagon® EP/PV200
- Ramp refurbishment: Duoflex® Composite System
- Upstands and parapet waterproofing: Alsan® RS
- Manufacturer Soprema-Klewa GmbH
- Design SANCON GmbH, Möglingen/Stuttgart